Amy Chu '91, Alpha Girl Comics

Image Courtesy Amy Chu

What is your name, current location, and current occupation?

Amy Chu, Princeton, NJ ,comic and animation writer

What was your affiliation with MIT?

Course 4

What are you doing today?

Currently working on a Dr. Strange story for Marvel, Avatar: The Last Airbender story for Dark Horse, a horror graphic novel, and wrapping up another Netflix show as a staff writer.

How did your time at MIT affect your career path?

Comics is visual storytelling and problem solving. Architecture actually taught me a lot of the fundamentals of how I go about breaking a story.

What are you excited about in your career field today?

I think this is the golden age for comics. The barriers to entry for making your own stories is so much lower now than they were before. Anyone can publish themselves digitally or print on demand and fund themselves through Kickstarter or Patreon.

What is advice you would give to a new alum coming out of MIT?

Be open to pursuing new paths. I never thought I would be a writer, much less in comics.

What are you trying to learn right now?

Just working on improving my craft.

How can fellow alums reach you if they want to speak further (email address, website, etc)?

Follow me on instagram @amy_chu or twitter @amychu.